A retractable faucet and a non-retractable faucet are two different types of faucets used to control the water in the plumbing system. The main difference between them is in the way the water flow can be controlled.
- Pull-out faucet: A pull-out faucet is a type of faucet where the user has their hands to prevent or shut off the flow of water. When you raise or lower your hands from the faucet, the water automatically turns off. It is designed to provide convenience and reduce unnecessary water needs, so they are excellent for uses such as entering the kitchen or public toilets.
- Non-retractable faucet: A non-retractable faucet operates with a pubic handle or in the direction of the ribs, and it can remain open or closed depending on the direction of the pubic. They are common in the changing directions, and you can control the flow of water by turning the handle as needed. Broadly speaking, a pull-out faucet is designed to reduce the use of water in public places and furthermore provide effective control over the flow of water. In contrast, a non-pull-out faucet offers full manual control over the flow of water, but does not have the water-saving advantage of a pull-out faucet.